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XLab (PPP)

Temple X Lab School is an international educational model that leads with innovative strategies, focusing on experiential learning experiences for early childhood education.
X Lab is a program that runs in the Sacred Space Lab at Liberty Grace Church of God, and was the pre-cursor to the establishment of the Liberty International School.

Temple X Lab School is an international educational model that leads with innovative strategies, focusing on experiential learning experiences for early childhood education. 

X Lab is a program that runs in the Modular Lab (Sacred Space) at Liberty Grace Church of God. 

In this Lab School we provide breakfast, a farm-to-table fresh lunch 3x a week, cold lunch served 2x a week (bringing lunch is optional), with a healthy continental snack buffet (all day) always available.

In this X Lab, we cultivate a rounded program for children 2-5 years old, focused on authentic experiential learning and engagement. This program leads with small group instruction centered around play. Learning goals are cultivated by families. The X Lab goal is to create a hands-on, collaborative program that addressed Kindergarten readiness, life skills, and fostering a love of the natural world.

What does a typical day look like?

Children are welcomed into the building and engage in greetings and salutations to parents. From there we have a Morning Meeting. During this time, we go over the calendar and learn academic concepts. This time sets a routine for the learner and works on listening and speaking. After this, the children engage in their work which is play. They have 8-10 options to pick from and can choose as a group what activities they engage in. Our goal is not the activity but the level of the children’s engagement. Each engagement leads to another and the goal is to ensure that young children are moving through authentic learning experiences. For example the upkeep of our urban garden or thoughtful projects connected to real needs. After the engagements children come back together for their Closing Meeting which closes out our time together and transitions to more focused areas. Nap time will flow around 12-2pm. We know not all children nap, but we will provide ample time to relax with a book and or rest.

Power in Numbers


Children in Baltimore Served


Sacred Space Sites


Year Established

Project Gallery

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